- Guercke, Lene. 2021. Protecting Victims of Disappearances Committed by Organised Criminal Groups: State Responsibility in International Human Rights Law and the Experiences of Human Rights Practitioners in Mexico. Doctoral Dissertation. Faculty of Law, KU Leuven. Supervisor: Stephan Parmentier, Co-supervisor: Silvana Mandolessi.
- Zícari, Martin. 2021. Choreographing Remembrance: Digital Contention and Street Action against Human Rights Abuses in Mexico (1968–2014). Doctoral Dissertation. Faculty of Arts. KU Leuven. Supervisor: Silvana Mandolessi.
- Dufays, Sophie, Martín Zícari, Silvana Mandolessi and Bruno Cardoso. 2021. “Twitter as a Mnemonic Medium from an Ecological Perspective: Ayotzinapa and the Memory of Tlatelolco”. History & Memory Vol. 33, No. 2: 46-79 (Fall/Winter 2021).
- Dufays, Sophie. 2021. “Rostros digitalizados y desaparición en México. El caso de las fotos de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa”. DeSignis, dossier “El rostro digital latinoamericano”, dir. Massimo Leone, Cristina Voto and José Enrique Fino, Fall 2021, pp. 147-160. https://www.designisfels.net/hors-serie/el-rostro-en-el-horizonte-digital-latinoamericano/
- Dufays, Sophie, and Pablo Piedras. 2021. “Analogías impertinentes. Voces, canciones y artefactos tecnológicos en la revisión de los setenta del cine argentino reciente”, Kamchatka 17, 415-451. https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/kamchatka/article/view/18952/18517
- Guercke, Lene. «State Responsibility for a Failure to Prevent Violations of the Right to Life by Organised Criminal Groups: Disappearances in Mexico.» Human Rights Law Review 21, no. 2 (2021): 329-57. https://doi.org/10.1093/hrlr/ngaa061
- Mandolessi, Silvana. 2021. “Conclusions”. Ansolabehere, Karina, Barbara Frey and Leigh Payne (eds). Disappearance in the Post-Transition Era in Latin America. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 270-277.
- Mandolessi, Silvana. 2021. “Challenging the Placeless Imaginary in Digital Memories: The Performation of Place in the Work of Forensic Architecture”. Memory Studies 14.3 (2021): 622-633. https://doi.org/10.1177/17506980211010922
- Mandolessi, Silvana and Katia Olalde. 2021. “On how to remember: Bordando por la paz and Memorial a las víctimas de la violencia: the struggle for memory in Mexico’s ‘war on drugs’”. Journal of Romance Studies 21.1 (2021): 69-94.
- Zícari, Martín. 2021. “Fue El Estado (‘It Was the State’): Embodied Practices of Memory and the Re-writing of Mexico’s Genealogy of Violence” Memory Studies