Home / Archive by Category "2017"

Second Annual Conference Memory Studies Associaton

II International Conference Literatura y Derechos Humanos “Nuevas violencias, nuevas resistencias”

Roundtable “Instrumentos de la memoria. Debates desde la Historia del Arte”


V Seminario Internacional sobre Arte Público en Latinoamérica. Intervenciones Estético-Políticas en el Arte Público Latinoamericano

73rd annual Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) “Microscopes and Megaphones”

X Seminario Internacional Políticas de la Memoria “Arte, memoria y política”

Mnemonics Summer School 2017: “The Social Life of Memory”

International Conference “Placeless Memories: Digital Constructions of Memory and Identity”

International Conference “Transnational and Global Dimensions of Justice and Memory Processes in Europe and Latin America”